Big petals curl up.
- Big flower petals curl up.
- The petals curl up, overlaying each other on your chest.
- The pattern by which they overlay decides the overall form.
- Face like an Oshiroibana flower, or marvel-of-Peru flower.
- Repeat overall image of such flowers.
Size is expressed by accumulation of time. The angles of the curls are important.
Dance the dimensions of flowers, such as a lotus flower.
Your face is also covered with petals.
The petals are also curling out from within your body.
The whole bidy becomes the big petal of a peony. How to capture the lines of the petal in the space. How an atmosphere is created.
World of AbyssSmoke-like condition. Pleasure of being deprived by someone.
LotusWorld of AbyssA process gone through in a moment.
Evaporation Process